Welcome to We Know Vegas!
You're here for one main reason... you love traveling to Fabulous Las Vegas!
So do we.
We are Matt & Brandy, founders and authors of We Know Vegas. We are a happily married couple who love traveling to Las Vegas and have completed over 60 trips in the last 18 years as a couple. It is the city we've traveled to more than any other city in the world.
The mission of We Know Vegas is to provide you more resources and sincere recommendations from the traveler's prespective. We're in your shoes. We don't live in Las Vegas so we work equally as hard on planning our trips as we do enjoying our trips. This allows us to become a huge resource for you!
We have a lot of relationships in Las Vegas and tons of resources at our fingertips. We started this concept in 2014 and now have over 135,000 people that follow us on our social media accounts! The good thing is we all have one thing in common, we all love traveling to Las Vegas.
You'll notice here on our website that we have tons of personal reviews of hotels, shows, restaurants and things to do in Las Vegas. We also have a full section on tips for traveling to Las Vegas (we've learned a lot over the last 50 trips)! So take a look around and enjoy! We'd love to hear from you anytime about questions you may have about your upcoming trip.
Make sure you're following us on all our social media accounts listed below. We love hearing from you too! Send us an email anytime!