Tips on Tipping in Vegas
Las Vegas is a town built on fame, fortune and gratuity.
When most people prepare their Vegas travel budget, it usually consists of rooms, transportation, gambling, dining, shows and the like. It's easy to forget about budgeting for tipping in Las Vegas, and there are plenty of extended hands that need to be padded while you are in Vegas. Below is a rough guide to help you know how much you need to add to your Vegas budget when it comes to tipping in Las Vegas.
The Maid Service
The maid staff is a large piece of a hotels payroll. They are usually highly sought after individuals that are typically very responsible and trained very well. After all, they are in your hotel room with all your valuables left unattended.
They do you a very valuable service as well. Usually, we don't spend much time in our rooms while in Vegas, so when we are there, we want to not be inconvenienced. So the maids are the ones who are the first responders in making sure our reviews of hotels rooms are positive. We highly recommend that you budget in tipping the hotel maid staff during your stay in Vegas.
Suggested tip: $2 – $5 per day
The Valets
This is a convenient service for those who drive to Vegas or rent a car upon their arrival. The men and women who park the car for you are primarily compensated on what you tip them.
There is no reason to skimp here, so make sure you take care of these people who take care of your car!
Suggested tip: $5 when you retrieve your car. Additional $5 if you have a special request when you drop off your car.
The Hotel Bellman
When you arrive at your hotel, unless you packed light, you would want the assistance of the Hotel's Bellman service. We like using the Bellman for several reasons. First, they alway have good advice about the hotel (best restaurants, fun things to do, insider advice about the hotel) and second, we hate dragging our bags through the hotel. It's nice to call down once you get your room and have your bags brought up.
Suggested tip: $3 – $5 per bag, more if the bags are heavy or you have a special request.
Taxi Driver
We always suggest tipping the taxi driver, unless the service was bad or the driver is rude. Don't reward bad behavior. We've only had this happen once.
Taxi drivers are full of great information about the city and have great suggestions on what Vegas has to offer. So take advantage of their knowledge! Ask a lot of questions and you'll be surprised the information you'll gain. Our favorite questions is, "who's the most famous person who has ridden in your cab?" That always starts a great conversation.
Suggested tip: minimum 15% of the fare or 20% if the service and conversation were good!
Rideshare (Uber/Lyft)
With advancements in the apps, you can now tip the driver through the app which is a great idea. If you have good conversation, smooth ride and enjoyed the service, we recommend 15% of the fare. If they take you to or from the airport and are helpful with the luggage, we recommend 20%.