Should You Be Using a Players Club Card?
For our first several years of visiting Las Vegas, we always avoided the opportunity to sign up for any player's card offers. For whatever reason, we felt that we should keep our information to ourself and to never accept anything the casino offers. Well, over the last eight years, our perception on this has changed.
One thing to note, is that my wife and I are not huge gamblers at the casinos. When we play table games we always play the table minimum bets and we play the slots too. However, we are still a huge advocate of signing up for the player's cards and here is why.
Starting about five years ago, we had reluctantly signed up for several players cards offered by the casinos. Periodically we are offered complementary nights at several location in Las Vegas through theese mailing promotions. These offers vary between discounted show tickets, buffet 2-for1, or discount/free room offers. So, we've taken advantage of these offers and have really enjoyed the benefits.
So here's how it works: simply stand in line at the casino's customer service desk and show your driver's license for proof of ID. You'll be instantly handed the a players card that you can start using immediately. Players cards allow you to earn benefits for virtually every dollar you gamble with, plus you'll also be on the mail/email lists for the hotels. Who knows, they might pick you for a special room rate or decide to send you tickets to a free show.
Virtually every casino offers this rewards incentive program. Sign up for the hotels/casinos you stay at the most and take advantage of the 'comps' that they are willing to provide!