We've seen these guys before on TV and on YouTube, so we were very excited for the chance to see them in person during our trip. We have to say, it was an extremely entertaining and faced-paced show. These guys are so talanted!
Their new theater inside the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino was the perfect venue for their type of show. It was small, but not crowded and the acoustics in the room were perfect! The stage sits in the center-front of the room and there is not a bad seat in the house. You are very close to the action.
The hip-hop style dancing and the routines were excellent. We can't image how many hours of rehersals and practice it must take to perfect the choreography in their performance.
Audience participation is a huge part of the production, so be ready and willing to be part of the show. They improv most of the skits so you'll see something different each time. They do an amazing job making it fun. We laughed much more than we thought we would during the show.
For the price of the tickets offered, this is a great value. If you like hip-hop music and dancing, then this show is for you. Click here to check out discounted ticket prices!