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Michael Jackson ONE

Information Courtesy of Matt & Brandy from We Know Vegas.



We both grew up as huge Michael Jackson fans. If this is the same for you, then stop what you're doing and go buy tickets to this show for your next trip to Las Vegas.


The Michael Jackson ONE show is a trip down memory lane with the King of Pop. There has been no one like him and this show does justice to his legendary status. From start to finish, Michael Jackson ONE does not disappoint.


The theater is big, but there is not a bad seat in the house. The show happens all around you in the aisle, in the air and on the stage. They play all the classic hits starting with his career as a child in the Jackson 5, all the way up to the hits he was producing right before his untimely death.


Since it is a Cirque du Soleil production, there is nonstop amazing feats of acrobatics and dancing. The show last about 1.5 hours and it leaves you wanting more! You'll find yourself singing all this hits for the entire evening after.


We will not spoil the end of the show, but let's just say that Michael does make an apperance and it is wonderful to see him on stage again!


This is a show that most everyone will find something to enjoy. Click here for great prices on tickets.


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